Mill Creek at Noon
20" X 16" Oil on Canvas
I have been out of commission for almost a month because of complications involving my opera project here in Maine. It is subsiding now, but at its height I had a phone call every 20 minutes or so and it was impossible to get anything related to painting done. So I'm happy to be back and will catch up with blogging over the next few days.
I've also been trying to get ready for my first outdoor show of the year. It's called "Art in the Park" and it this Saturday, August 9th. The park in question is Mill Creek Park, a lovely park in the center of this part of South Portland. I did the painting above in June and it shows the centerpiece of the park--a Japanese style bridge that passes over a pond. The gazebo on the right back is the site of summer evening band concerts. The pond has a nice fountain, lily pads and ducks that the kids love to feed. There are also beautiful gardens there, including a fantastic rose garden that I envy, never having been successful at growing roses on my own in this climate.
On Saturday, there will be nearly 200 artists located around the park in what is typically a fun, and often successful show. My location will be ideal, just at the right of this bridge, under the trees, next to the water. I have priced my work based on my own opinion of its value and with the economy in consideration. For the first time I am offering most of what I show in nice frames, not the usual "studio" frames I make from lattice. I hope it makes a difference. I plan to show about 40 pieces, most of them completed in the last year. My next big show is September 1st in Fort Williams park, the location of the famous Portland headlight. That is also a great show.
Bonnie and I will head to San Miguel de Allende Mexico, by way of Ann Arbor, Michigan in late September. The Michigan stop is to spend a football weekend at my alma mater, the University of Michigan, where they will be playing Wisconsin in a potentially big game. Ann Arbor is a fabulous place with all kinds of things to do--concerts, lectures, museums--and great restaurants of all kinds. It is always a fun time for us.
We'll spend two months in Mexico where I plan to paint my brains out and to get together to paint with Frank Gardner who lives there and has off and I been my valuable mentor and always my friend. I'll also venture out on my own and with others whom I have met over the 6 years we have been going there. I love the place and we'd live there if it weren't for my wonderful family all located in the northeast.
In April, we will go to China for two weeks. We decided to take advantage of the chance to go then because as we get older, no telling if we would ever have another chance. We want to travel as long as we can. I can't tell you how much we get out of it! And...plenty of good painting ideas come from it.
I'll be more consistent with blogging now and I hope you'll stay with me.
Hey Jack ! All the luck in the world with the show this wk.end ( Aug.9 ) Wow !40 paintings...the garden piece looks like a winner ! Let us know how it goes. :- ) Thanks !
Take care..
I was lucky enough to go to Maine last summer for a wedding.
Your wonderful paintings remind me of the coast there and how beautiful it was.
I must get up there again soon.
This is just beautiful Jack. Sounds like you have an exciting busy life, good luck on your shows. I'm so jealous you get to paint with Frank, I'm sure I would feel intimidated to paint with him. Keep us posted on how things are going and how your shows go.
Frank-Elizabeth-Barb--good to hear from you and happy to be back in blogworld. I'll give you all a report on the show. Hope the weather clears--it has been a rotten summer weather-wise--so unusual for Maine. Barb--Painting with Frank is great--and his workshops are terrific. He pulls no punches and is a great teacher--and teaches a lot by example. His blog stuff is a great gift to all of us. I was going through it the other day and feel it should be published. It's too good to be shared just with us!
Wow!! I'm really impressed with this one, it's wonderful!
Wow! You've been busy and will continue to be busy but it's a GOOD kind of busy. Wishing you all the best with your showing in Art in the Park and your travels. How fun to be able to get together with Frank Gardner and doing some painting together.
Mill Creek at Noon is very nice. Calming.
Jack, this painting is "color wonderful".
I am so happy that you are back.
The best of luck on the art shows.
And painting with Frank G. in Mexico. And, then China in the spring, your killing me.
We sent our oldest son Gabriel to China last summer. He loved, loved it.People to People Student Ambassador Program, it is wonderful program for students.
:) Amy
Ambera--Paz--Amy: Thanks for the nice comments. Amy--as I watch the run up to the Olympics on TV, my appetite to visit China increases all the more. We're really looking forward to it. I wonder if what we experience there will change anything in my painting. Hmmm...
Well Jack, I bit it will.From seeing how you gather inspiration from your travels and what you see around you in the paintings you have shown us. You are going to see some beautiful gardens and wow,Gabriel came home with beautiful pictures of the food that was artistically placed before him.I am proud to say, that he was not squeamish and tried everything. A lot of the kids reported that they lived on fruit & rice during the trip.I am really looking forward to the Opening Ceremonies of the Olympics tonight.Maybe a little Chinese food takeout is in order.:) ~Amy~
Jack, I hate to keep bothering you like this. ~~~But, DID you see the opening tonight?~~~Amazing, really,
Human art at its best.~~~
I love the Olympics , because it means , "we as a world are together"
of course to find the best. But, together all the same.
And, please, look at the pictures I just posted. They are, just a few of hundreds.~~~Amy~~~
Amy--wow--great pictures of China. Thanks for posting them. Yes, we watched opening night and were blown away. It was more art than spectacle, I thought. We have also been watching the China stuff on the Travel Channel and the Today show and I am going there well-prepared at least, but I'm sure there will be new sights and scenes I never contemplated before. I did well enough at the show yesterday that I can invest in a really good camera--and a bunch of memory sticks!!
Glad to hear the show went well Jack.
The Mill Creek painting looks great. Can't wait to have you around for a while.
When do you arrive?
Frank--thanks for the nice comment. I like that painting too! We get to SMA September 29th late. Will look you up as soon as we get settled. We'll be staying in the Santa Julia, same street as we did when I first met you. Look forward to seeing you again!
You'll be here in time for the Fiesta of San Miguel Jack.
It is the 29th, but this year the Fiesta will be the weekend of the 3rd-5th of Oct.
The Alborada will be Sat. 4AM
Have you ever been around for that?
That ought to get you in a Mexican state of mind.
Congrats on the show, Jack. This is an especially nice painting.
Wishing you safe travels - what fun!
Say hello to Frank.
Hi Jack! I am trying to reach you about a painting; what is your email address?
Thank you!
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